

High static pressure ducted type fan coil unit

Products > Concealed type fan coil unit > High static pressure ducted type fan coil unit

High static pressure ducted type fan coil unit

Air volume range: 1700m3/h~2380m3/h

Cooling capacity range: 9000W~12600W

4-pipe system is optional

Product Introduction

1 Elegant out looking design can be flame plating. Not only for conceal installation but also can be used as decorative fan coil unit.


2 high static pressure, long distance air supply.

3 High quality purple copper, with high diathermanous efficiency, tenacity and rigidity characteristic to bear high hydraulic pressure especially, suits super high building use. Distance of fins is improved by computer emulation optimum design with experimental feedback, supply sufficient heat exchange area, smooth airflow and high efficient heat exchange.


4 Big diameter fan, big air volume, low noise.

5 Electric heater is optional


6 Fresh air can be input from outside.

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